Join the SB 1047 coalition
Governor Newsom has vetoed SB 1047. It's important to make sure that Governor Newsom knows that this issue isn't going away and that people are disappointed with his decision. Here are some ways you can do that:
Share on Social Media
Post a tweet beginning with ".@GavinNewsom" and explain why you are disappointed with his veto. It can be as simple as this:
.@GavinNewsom I'm disappointed that you chose to veto SB 1047. The bill was a very important step towards AI safety. I hope you will sign future legislation that deals with these risks, because this issue isn't going away. California still needs to lead on this issue.
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If you represent an organization, you can help by filling out the form below to add your signature to this letter of support to help us show policymakers that a broad range of industries supports ensuring safe and secure AI innovation through SB 1047. Note: you need to be authorized to sign on behalf of your organization to sign the letter of support.