Join the SB 1047 coalition

For organizations

Letters of support are critical to show backing for SB 1047 from a broad range of industries. Fill out the form below to add your organization’s signature to this letter of support. Note: your organization does not need to be based in California, but you can only sign on behalf of an organization.

For Individuals

If you live in CA, calling your Assemblymember and voicing your support for SB 1047 can make a big difference:

  1. Look up your own Assemblymember here.

  2. Visit their website and find their contact phone number

  3. Call them and say something like the following: “Hi, I am a constituent in your district. I wanted to call and voice my support for SB 1047. I think responsible development of AI is very important, and I hope that [MEMBER] votes in favor of SB 1047.”